Which Solution is Best For You?

There are many beauty treatments that we attempt to do at home: manicures, dyeing our hair, exfoliations. But laser hair removal? Is that even possible, much less effective?

Turns out, yes, it is. There are home laser hair removal devices available, and these can be pretty tempting. After all, they’re less expensive than going to a professional, and then there’s the added convenience of being able to do your own lasering from the comfort of your bedroom.

However, as with any do-it-yourself beauty treatments, there are significant pros and cons. If you’re considering home laser hair removal device, know the facts.


Fact: home laser hair removal devices are not as powerful as those used by medical professionals. Why? Because in the hands of a non-specialist (that’s you), the laser technology that professionals use would simply be too dangerous for at-home use. Normal folks could end up burning themselves and causing skin damage. Therefore, for home laser devices, the effectiveness is not as strong.


True, if you invest in a home laser hair removal device, you can do your own treatments more comfortably, at home. However, there is a price to pay. Because a home device is weaker, you’ll be required to do laser yourself more than you would need to at a professional clinic. This can become frustrating and time-consuming.


Everything else aside, when it comes down to it, which method actually produces the best results? It depends on you and how much hair removal you want—however, we can tell you that at-home laser hair removal devices require more treatments and the hair is less likely to be gone permanently, due to the reduced power of the home lasers.

And So…

This is a decision that will always come down to the individual’s personal preference—much like dyeing your hair at home versus going to a salon. Some people believe they can do it themselves, and others prefer visiting a professional. But considering how comfortable laser hair removal clinics are these days and how thorough of a job they do, laser hair removal should probably be one of those things you leave to the experts.

At Monterey Laser, we’re certified laser hair removal professionals. If you’re interested in having your unwanted hair removed by a specialist, please contact us any time!